Do you need Representation?
The Supreme Court has ruled that an employee is entitled to have representation during any meeting that could result in discipline. These rights are called your Weingarten Rights.
- You may request a UNOCH representative to be present at any meeting, which you believe may lead to discipline. Our contract states “Hospital supervision shall notify the employee at the time of scheduling the interview that it will be investigatory in nature and that the employee is entitled to make arrangements to have a UNOCH representative present.” Article III, Section 301.
- You have the right to know the subject of the meeting and the right to consult UNOCH prior to the meeting to obtain advice.
- If you are in a meeting, which looks as if it is going to turn into a disciplinary meeting, stop the meeting and request representation. Notify UNOCH immediately.
If you receive an evaluation or any documentation of problems that could lead to disciplinary action, ask for a copy and inform the manager that you wish to consult UNOCH before responding.
If you feel you need representation at a meeting that may lead to discipline
please call our advocate line at 858-999-1204