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Who We Are

Mission Statement

United Nurses of Children’s Hospital (UNOCH) is a group of professional nurses, therapists and technicians dedicated to promoting excellence in the care of infants, children and their families. UNOCH is affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and is devoted to creating a working environment that enables our members to perform the high quality patient care that Rady Children’s Hospital is known for.

Our goal is to ensure that changes in patient care move in a positive direction. In addition, we are committed to a working relationship with our hospital administration that is built on mutual cooperation and respect.

Our Objectives:

  1. To empower the registered nurse, therapist and technician.
  2. To provide the highest quality of patient care.
  3. To improve our working conditions.
  4. Improve our wages, benefits and compensation.
  5. To recruit qualified staff.
  6. To retain experienced staff.
  7. Improve our relationship with hospital administration.
  8. To ensure accountability on the part of the hospital administration

UNOCH is run by an elected executive board. All board members are also RCSHD employees, and UNOCH members. We have a team of representatives that work with us as unit reps, certified representatives, new hire orientation representatives. Members also sit on negotiations teams and other UNOCH commitees..