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News and Events


We have moved!

Our new office is located at 
7700 University Ave in La Mesa.
While we transition all our documents, phones, fax, and postings, we wanted to make sure know where we are.  Reach out to with any questions or concerns.

UNOCH Communication transition to Bloomerang

UNOCH is moving away from the Mailchimp email system for communications and will transition to using the Bloomerang system exclusively by mid December. Bloomerang is a more secure system that allows for member sign ups and RSPVs. It is what UNOCH used this summer to sign up for strike shifts and announce strike check pickups. The Bloomerang emails will have UNOCH as the sender.  All UNOCH members, both Techs and RNs have already been entered into the new system. The last 4 emails have been sent out in both Mailchimp (this system) and Bloomerang (the new system). If you have received emails from both systems you do not have to do anything else. If you have NOT been getting emails from Bloomerang please do the following:
1) Go to
2) Use your personal email address
3) Then click on forgot my password and you will be sent a link to sign up. 
4) You should start receiving emails!

If you try to reset your password and still are not receiving emails from Bloomerang please email for help. Emails will be going out every Tuesday for the next few weeks. 

New Tentative Agreement 8/13/24 Passed

New RN Contract Ratified 

August 15th Voting Results:
YES: 813 (54.6%)
NO: 675 (45.4%)

Total Votes: 1488 of 1597 (92%)
Thank you to ALL of our members for voting.

 The raises will be back-dated to August 4th. The 12 hour shifts will return on Sunday, August 18th. UNOCH understands that the last few months have been hard on all of us, we have had moments of disagreements and moments of intense unity. We would like to thank everyone for their engagement. UNOCH has never seen anything like it. We look forward to settling back into our new normal that we hope includes the unity we felt. UNOCH will continue to work hard to meet the needs of the membership and get the contract implemented smoothly.

UNOCH Negotiations  August 13, 2024
RCHSD presented UNOCH with its Last, Best and Final Offer (LBFO) and the Parties reached another Tentative Agreement to present to you for a ratification vote. This new Agreement includes the exact terms of the August 3, 2024 Tentative Agreement with an additional overall increase of 1.6 million dollars in the form of a $1,000 bonus for every RN in the bargaining unit if the agreement is ratified this Thursday, August 15. This new agreement moves no parts around and takes nothing away from the August 3, 2024 Tentative Agreement.

RCHSD’s LBFO stated that should the membership fail to ratify this Agreement on Thursday, August 15, its proposal for year one across the board increases will be reduced from the current 9% to 8%.

Given this context and the 5-day strike planned to commence Monday August 19, there is no doubt that we have reached a pivotal moment in these negotiations. While we realize this last offer is not perfect, our collective efforts over the last few months have resulted in the best contract offer in decades. The across-the-board wage increases and market adjustments make us competitive or surpassing other San Diego hospitals. Additional economic wins also include:
 Part-time 1 employees will now pay health premiums at the full- time rate, saving some members up to 30% in healthcare.
10% cap on healthcare premiums increases per year

Additional Step: Added to all grids except N04 and N07

Weekend Shifts: Sunday night now included in the weekend
Weekend Differential: $3.00 per hour • Evening Differential: $3.30 per hour • Night Differential: $5.00 per hour
Call Pay
Base: $14.00 per hour
OR/PACU/Cath Lab/IR: $21.00 per hour
MPF Clinical Ladder starting June 2025
More Differentials:
• Hem/One Clinic Lead: $2.00 per hour
• Precepting CN Ill (after 39shifts): $2.25 per hour
• Precepting all RNs who are not CNIII: $2.25 per hour • Resource: $2.00 per hour
Paid leave: Nurses working in units closed on RCHSD holidays no longer need to use paid leave to cover those holiday.
We should all feel accomplished of what has been achieved over these last several months to secure these gains. UNOCH supports this new Tentative Agreement. We have taken this to the limit and pushed as hard and as far as we could without risking losing some of the improvements already negotiated. If this TA is ratified, normal shifts will resume August 18th and the wage increases provided for will be retroactive to August 4, 2024.

What happens next is up to you all. UNOCH is presenting the Hospital’s offer for ratification and, as has been the case throughout the bargaining process, will support the outcome as determined by our members. Currently, there is still a 5-day strike planned to start Monday August 19, 2024.

Voting will be held in the same manner as the prior ratification votes starting August 15, 2024 at 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. Results will be announced as soon as possible. Tonight and tomorrow UNOCH will be hosting unit specific Zoom meetings to discuss this new TA. Links listed below.

UNOCH Membership Status/Voting Requirements

Section 203 of both the Technical and RN Collective Bargaining Agreements allows members to change their membership status every year during the month of December.  
If you are an RN and would like to vote on the 2024-2027 RN CBA, you must be an active member at the time of the vote.
If you are currently a nonmember, you will need to submit a new membership/dues authorization form to UNOCH by December 31st 2023 in order to be eligible to vote on the terms of the CBA next summer.

Membership/Dues forms can be found on the UNOCH website under the forms/documents tab. You must also include a current/valid personal email address. If you would like to change your status for any reason; from member to nonmember or from nonmember to a member, your new membership form must be submitted to UNOCH by December 31, 2023. Once your status has been changed, you will not be eligible to change it again until December of 2024.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to UNOCH.

UNOCH provides MetLife Legal plan.

UNOCH is proud to be providing all our members and fee payers with access to the Met Life legal plan. The Met Life plan will provide you with access to legal help for a multitude of needs.  UNOCH members and fee payers will have access to unlimited use of the plan over the course of the year. UNOCH has already enrolled you, access and coverage will be effective on January 1st, 2023. UNOCH will be mailing out a small packet with information about the plan, as well as your personal MetLife identification number. UNOCH would like to wish you all a Happy and Safe 2023!
See plan highlights below.
Key features:
  • A national network of more than 18,000 pre-qualified attorneys
  • In-person or over-the-phone counsel for the most common personal legal matters
  • No deductibles, claim forms, copays, waiting periods
  • Unlimited access to attorneys for as many legal issues as you have
  • A voluntary benefit typically paid through payroll deductions monthly
  • All Network Attorney fees are paid by the plan /Divorce coverage up to 20 hours.
  • Out-of-network attorney option1
Comprehensive coverage for more than 60 legal matters including:
  • Preparation of wills, living wills and trusts
  • Purchase, sale and refinancing of a residence
  • Debt collection and foreclosure defense
  • Identity theft defense
  • Tenant negotiations
  • Civil litigation defense
  • Adoptions
  • Document review and preparation
Once the plan goes active (January 1st) You can access the plan by calling MetLife Client Service Center at 1(800)821.6400 or via the Met Life Legal website.